OCN Culture is a lifestyle brand. We believe that the foundation of OCN Culture was established a couple generations ago through the lineage of one of our Founders. Dating back to the 1920 and 30’s, his Grandfather and Grandmother were the epitome of Style & Aloha in an era of modern surfing and Hawaiian Beach Culture. The style was immaculate. Tourists and Travelers arrived by ship with adventure and curiosity of capturing the essence of Hawaii. They’d stay at the Moana and Royal Hawaiian Hotels on Waikiki Beach where they would learn true Aloha and a culture like no other. The main entertainment was provided by the Waikiki Beach Boys whether in the water or on land singing and strumming ukulele’s while the exotic and amazingly beautiful Hula Dancers like his Grandmother swayed beneath the banyan tree. If we could get in a time machine, this would be the time and place hands down. In the meantime, when anyone walks in our Shop, we greet them with warmth and Aloha carrying on the tradition.
We create simplistic, thoughtful, and socially responsibly made products which are inspired by wave sliding culture and our collaborations with artists and creatives who embody Aloha.
We are located in Marin County just North of the Golden Gate in the San Francisco Bay Area.
Please drop in and say hi!
Store Hours:
Monday: Closed
Tuesday: 11am-6pm
Wednesday: : 11am-6pm
Thursday: : 11am-6pm
Friday: 11am-6pm
Saturday: 11am-6pm
Sunday: 10am-5pm