Kaira Wallace
NAME: Kaira
BIRTHDATE: February 23
How long have you been surfing?
About 15 years.
Favorite surf spot?
Pavones, Costa Rica
What kind of surfboard/s are you riding?
5’4” twinny fish (Iconoclast Surfboards)
9’4” longboard Malibu Model (Iconoclast Surfboards)
What music/ bands are you listening to nowadays?
Liz Cooper, Big Thief, Tyler Childers, Mac DeMarco, Beach House, Remi Wolf, ABBA, the list goes on.
What is your favorite food/s?
Thai food, or mac and cheese!!
If you could go back in time, what era would it be, and where would you go?
Pre-colonial, California, if I could have a boat to cruise the coast and see the whole state before it was built up.
If you could sit down with anyone to have a 60 minute conversation, who would it be and why?
Liz Clark, I think she’s incredibly inspiring, and probably has the best travel stories to share.
Tell us something about yourself that not many people know?
When I was a kid, I was sure I was going to be a surgeon and watched all kinds of weird medical TV shows.
Favorite quote:
“We make plans and God laughs”